Take Advil every 8 hours and alternate with regular Tylenol. If you were prescribed Tylenol # 3, only use it for severe/sharp pain.
Take medications as prescribed. If your pain continues or is not relieved by the pain medication, contact your surgeon.
Gently place an ice pack over your nose.
You will feel pressure due to the splints and swelling for the first 48 hours, and congestion until the splints are removed at your follow-up appointment.
Drink plenty of fluids. For the first 48 hours consume only cool fluids and cool foods - NO steaming hot foods or drinks. Resume regular diet when you are able to tolerate it.
If you are taking pain medications containing Codeine (such as Tylenol #1, #2, #3) increase the fibre in your diet to avoid constipation. If needed, take a mild laxative.
Activities and Specific Instructions
For the first 48 hours after surgery, rest and relax. No exertion.
Use an extra pillow when lying down to reduce swelling and reduce nasal congestion.
Dr. Samy rarely uses nasal packing, a little nasal blood drip can be expected for the first 48 hours. This will usually settle quickly with rest, an ice pack over the nose and eating ice chips.
If after 48 hours there is no further blood oozing, rinse your nose with Neil Med sinus rinse, 3 times a day. This can be purchased over-the-counter at your retail pharmacy.
In 2 weeks you may resume using the steroid nasal spray, IF you were using it prior to surgery.
When to go to the Emergency Department
Continuous, sudden and heavy bleeding from the nose or mouth.
Fever (temperature more than 38.5 °C or 101 °F)
Excessive pain, not relieved by pain medication taken as directed.
Persistent vomiting
Visual disturbances
Swelling around the eyes
Profuse bleeding
Some "DO NOT" Activities After Surgery
Your nose will take time to heal. There is a raw area or an incision that could bleed if disturbed.
DO NOT use any foreign object in your nose, such as fingers, Q-tips or Kleenex tissues.
Your nose should NOT be blown, and sneezing should be avoided if possible to prevent bleeding. If you need to sneeze, open your mouth to decrease the pressure in your nose.
DO NOT take Aspirin or medications containing Aspirin(acetylsalicylic acid) for 48 hours to 1 week after surgery to help prevent bleeding. If you are taking other blood thinners for medical reasons, check with your surgeon for instructions on when to restart these medications.
Follow-up After Surgery
Dr. Samy's secretary books the surgery and follow-up at the same time. Look through your surgery papers Dr. Samy's office gave you either at your appointment or emailed to you. If lost, contact the office for a follow-up. It is essential to have a follow-up with your surgeon after surgery.